Malaysia-Singapore Cross-Border Travel amid Covid-19

Cross-border travel between Malaysia and Singapore is one of the world’s busiest routes. As per reports before the covid-19 pandemic, over 300,000 people engaged in Malaysia-Singapore cross-border travel every day. Due to the current scenario, travel has been suspended between the two countries and business travel has been limited.
Reopening Malaysia-Singapore Cross-border travel
On May 17, 2021, both governments agreed to reopen travel for ‘compassionate reasons’. Under the compassionate travel scheme, you can travel between the countries in case of death or to meet critically ill relatives.
Who is allowed to travel to Malaysia?
- In case of death, the deceased person’s spouse, children, parents and close siblings (Maximum of 2)
- In case of critically ill, the patient’s spouse, children, parents, close siblings and legal guardian
Process and requisites:
- The travellers should fill in a form and send the application to
- For travellers arriving by flight, an email has to be sent to
- The traveller should carry:
- In case of death: Death certificate, proof of family, and other supporting documents.
- In case of visiting a critically ill patient: a doctor’s letter confirming patient’s condition, proof of family and other supporting documents
- The traveller should download the MySejahtera app on their phones.
Procedure on arrival in Malaysia:
- The period of quarantine for Singapore-Malaysia cross-border travellers is 14 days.
- COVID-19 test is mandatory.
- In case of a positive report, the traveller is shifted to a COVID-19 hospital.
- Once the traveller arrives at the quarantine facility, they are allowed 3 hours (excluding travel time) to either visit the location of the funeral or the hospital where the patient is admitted.
- The traveller is not allowed to travel anywhere else apart from that location.
- After 14 days of quarantine, the traveller is allowed to return to Singapore.
Who is allowed to travel to Singapore?
Singapore allows a maximum of 2 people for Malaysia-Singapore cross-border travel in case of death or critical condition of a family member.
Process and requisites:
- Family members should apply for permission through an online form for their Malaysia-Singapore cross-border travel.
- The applicants should carry proof of death or a doctor’s letter confirming the critical condition, proof of family ties and other supporting documents.
- The travellers should have a COVID-19 negative report issued 72 hours before travel.
- The traveller should also register and pay in advance for an RT-PCR test and quarantine facility in Singapore.
Procedure on arrival in Singapore:
- The traveller should have the TraceTogether app on their phones.
- Should take a COVID-19 test on arrival from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore.
- 21-day quarantine is mandatory, with two more tests conducted on the 14th and 21st day.
- Local authorities will arrange for a safe passage to visit the deceased or the hospital.
Other Malaysia-Singapore Cross-border travel agreements
In addition to the above, Singapore and Malaysia government already had two plans in motion:
Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL)
RGL is meant to facilitate short term business travel between the two countries. It allowed travelling up to 14 days with strict restrictions. For example, travellers under this scheme were not allowed to use public transport but only private cars and hires. However, this was suspended in February 2021 due to the rise in covid cases.
Periodic Commuting Agreement (PCA)
PCA allows citizens and permanent residents holders to travel for work. The details are as follows:
- The applicant can work in the other country for 90 days before returning on short leave.
- Should hold a valid work visa in the other country.
- Travellers have to get the covid-19 test done and will be able to work if the report is negative.
- They are subject to quarantine norms of the country they travel to.
For Malaysia-Singapore cross-border travel, discussions are going on to allow fully vaccinated people based on the MySejahtera app. Whenever the travel for this route resumes, you can book bus tickets online via redBus. The redBus platform allows you to compare fares and book the best available option.
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