MCO in Malaysia – All You Need to Know

The increasing number of Covid-19 cases has led to the extension of the movement control order or MCO in Malaysia. On May 28 2021, MCO 3.0 was implemented from June 1 to June 14 2021. The restrictions and curbs on activities declared on May 30 2021, reminded people of the complete lockdown during March 2020. On June 11 2021, the government said that MCO in Malaysia would be extended from June 14 to June 28 2021.
Update – The goverment has extended MCO until the covid-19 cases reduce in the country. Some areas are under EMCO.
The nationwide lockdown applies to all kinds of movement, and exceptions have been made only in certain cases such as essential services, medical services, etc.
Key Takeaways of MCO 3.0
The Movement Control Order or MCO 3.0 in Malaysia restricts the general movement of the public to prevent the spread of covid-19. Public transportation is still available but only with 50% capacity.
The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) applies to all the states of Malaysia, and it includes the following –
- Most services will operate from 8 am to 8 pm only.
- Inter-district and inter-state travel is not allowed. People can travel within a 10 km radius from their homes.
- Land, air and water transport is allowed to operate at 50% capacity and reduced frequency, provided all SOPs are followed. It is safer to book tickets online for any transport in case you have permission to travel.
- Only two people from each household are permitted to go out to purchase essentials. An exception is made in emergencies like medical or death or if you have permission from the police.
- Social gatherings and house visits are not allowed at all.
- People can go for individual exercises such as jogging until 8 pm.
- All economic and social activities are not allowed. An exception has been made in the case of 17 essential services, which includes health and medical services, F&B, animal clinics and vets, water, banking, agriculture, energy, and others.
- Some selected manufacturing sectors are allowed to operate at 60% capacity.
- Shopping malls will remain closed, and only sections that fall under essential services will remain open such as supermarkets, medical stores, convenience stores, etc.
- For restaurants, only takeaway and delivery is allowed. Dine-in is strictly not permitted.
- Schools, colleges and other educational institutions will be closed. Kindergartens and childcare services are allowed to provide services only when both parents work in the essential service sector.
- Any in-person activity is not allowed, such as face-to-face meetings, conferences, training, etc.
- All activities related to tourism is not allowed.
- Hospitals will be available 24 hrs.
- People who have to go to another place for vaccination do not need a permission letter from the police and can show the proof of appointment on SMS, website or MySejahtera App.
- Night markets are not allowed.
- Wellness and beauty centres are not allowed to operate.
- Cinema halls are not allowed to operate.
- A HIDE system has been introduced, which helps identify and publish the high-risk areas for their immediate sanitation process and restrict movement to or from such places.
- Hotels can operate to provide quarantine facilities only.
- Everyone has to wear masks in public places, including public transport. It can be removed when you are at home or in the hotel room with family, when you are alone in your work space, when you engage in sports activities, while drinking or eating, etc.
The HIDE System
HIDE stands for Hotspot Identification of Dynamic Engagement, an AI tool to help identify the risk areas across Malaysia. The motto behind this system is to pre-identify the risky areas through contact tracing and other data available.
It will later publish the key areas where a spread is likely to happen. Upon identifying these areas, all movements will be contained immediately, and the places will be closed for three days. The sanitation process will take place pronto to avoid further spread.
Individuals will have to undergo screening for the risk factors, and tests may be conducted. They will be notified of their status as high risk, close contacts or casual contacts. Those who fall under causal contact will take the test only if they show symptoms.
In a Nutshell
As covid-19 rages, it is safer to stay at home and follow all the necessary guidelines mentioned under MCO 3.0. If you have to travel to another place for a specific reason, you can do so with permission from the police. Most e-commerce services are available, so you can always order online. People are encouraged to get the vaccination so that life can return to normalcy sooner and the lockdown can end.
Stay Home, Stay Safe.
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